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Safeguarding Policy

This is the safeguarding policy for Out Out Groups UK. Our Designated Safeguarding Officer (DSO) is Simon Dowling and can be contacted via email at

**1. Reporting Concerns**

- Any member who has a safeguarding concern regarding a vulnerable adult should report it immediately to the designated Safeguarding Officer or a member of the committee.

- If the concern involves immediate risk or danger, emergency services should be contacted without delay.

**2. Initial Response**

- The Safeguarding Officer will acknowledge the concern and initiate an initial assessment to determine the level of risk and appropriate course of action.

- The safety and well-being of the individual(s) involved will be the primary consideration.

**3. Investigation**

- If necessary, the Safeguarding Officer will conduct a thorough investigation into the reported concern, ensuring confidentiality and sensitivity throughout the process.

- Interviews may be conducted with the individual(s) involved, witnesses, and any other relevant parties.

- The Safeguarding Officer will keep accurate records of all information gathered during the investigation.

**4. Support and Referral**

- Support will be offered to the individual(s) affected by the safeguarding concern, including access to counselling or other appropriate services.

- If the concern involves potential criminal activity or significant harm, the Safeguarding Officer will make a referral to the relevant authorities, such as the local safeguarding board or law enforcement.

**5. Review and Follow-Up**

- Following the investigation, the Safeguarding Officer will review the findings and determine any necessary follow-up actions, such as implementing additional safeguarding measures or providing further support to those involved.

- The committee will be informed of the outcome of the investigation and any actions taken.

**6. Confidentiality**

- All information related to safeguarding concerns will be treated with the utmost confidentiality, shared only with those who need to know for the purpose of safeguarding and support.

- Information will be stored securely and in accordance with data protection regulations.

**7. Training and Awareness**

- All relevant members and volunteers will receive regular training on safeguarding procedures and their responsibilities in maintaining a safe environment for any vulnerable adults.

- Awareness-raising activities will be conducted to promote understanding of safeguarding issues and encourage reporting of concerns.

**8. Review and Monitoring**

- This safeguarding procedure will be reviewed annually to ensure it remains effective and up-to-date with current legislation and best practices.

- Incidents or near misses will be analysed to identify any areas for improvement in safeguarding practices.


Out-Out is committed to safeguarding the welfare of vulnerable adults within our community. By following this procedure and working together, we can ensure that everyone can participate in our activities free from harm or exploitation.

9. Contacting us

We welcome any queries, comments or requests you may have regarding this policy please do not hesitate to contact us at

If you would prefer to write to us then our contact address is Out Out Groups UK c/o 6 Hearth House, Rugby, CV21 1FR.

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